Las Catalinas, Day 1: Lazy Day, Dinner at Patagonia Del Mar

Our amazing room, whose private bathroom was just as nice.

The driftwood Christmas tree that Lauren and Bob worked on, last year.

Dining room table, out on the main floor.

And this amazing view.

Some of the grasshoppers here are quite large.

Liz, hanging out in the courtyard.

Another view of the ocean.

Sun setting.

On the drive to dinner, we encountered a few cows wandering the road. This happened more than once, during the length of our stay. Brandon and Lauren had been warned about “vacas negras” as something to keep an eye out for, while driving at night.

Outside Patagonia Del Mar.

At dinner with Julie, Bob, David, Beth, and Beth’s mom Pat.

Brandon and Natalie

The lights inside were quite lovely, especially when a warm breeze would come in made everything hanging from the ceiling sway.

Another look at the restaurant, as we headed back home.

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