Las Catalinas, Day 7: Sunset Drinks at Casa Chameleon, Dinner on the Beach at Coco Loco

A group of us split off for drinks and dinner tonight, at the nearby Casa Chameleon hotel.

Looking out over Sugar Beach.

Near the pool, where non-hotel folks weren’t able to wander. Within the span of about 5 minutes, I got to see a couple wearing swimsuits (shorts and a bikini) wade in here for photos, followed soon after by a newlywed couple dressed to the nines standing near the edge.

Looking up to our spot.


Towards sunset, there were a few spots in the pool that got lit up. Made me wonder how often people tried to get into the pool, when these things are lit. Despite all warnings and safeguards, I just assume people still do it (and still get burnt).

Can’t get enough sunset photos.

For dinner, Lauren drove us to Coco Loco, where we all got a table on the beach. I don’t have photos of everyone, but it was me, Liz, Lauren, Laura, Julie, Bob, and Pat.

I’m not a big coconut fan, but hard to pass up a drink of this sort while on vacation. Particularly when the place is called Coco Loco.

A delicious bit of steak, cooked on a hot lava rock. The sound and smell of the oil/steak sizzling on this thing was tremendous.

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