A Long and Grueling House Night

This afternoon, Liz and I got a text from Bob asking if we’d be able to finish up the living room drywall before tomorrow. I agreed to the work (and to also relocate about 10 sheets of 10′ drywall out of the living room), all before tomorrow AM. So we could have a taper come over in the afternoon and begin his work.

Liz and I got home and suited up pretty immediately. We then jumped into cutting up the necessary backer board we needed to put in, first. After that, we put up 3/8″ drywall around the remaining areas.

With the plywood and 3/8″ drywall in place, we then needed to put up a few sheets of 1/2″ drywall. The time was going by, but we were making pretty good progress – and were moving seamlessly between several tools and tasks.

The final work, with the 1/2″ drywall in place.

And look at that custom notching!

We really hit it, from the moment we got home from work. And Liz and I didn’t stop working until around 11:00 PM, and got to eat dinner closer to 11:20 PM.

In hindsight, I overestimated what I think we can reasonably accomplish in an evening. Liz just got over being sick, and my worry is that tonight has pushed her again to a point where she’s going to get sick a second time.

Additionally, I didn’t think to ask: do we really need to rush and get all this done for the taper tomorrow? Could we delay a day, buy some more time, and finish things at our own pace? We got pulled into a “get it all done NOW” type of deadline, and I think that’s a situation we put ourselves in by not asking about timelines more. Also, I definitely think we had a poor estimate of the time it would take us, to get the remaining work done in one night.

Looking back, Liz and I did a really great job of getting a ton of work done, all in just one evening. I didn’t get to bed until closer to 1:15 AM. And while it’s not something I wish to repeat anytime soon, I’m really proud of how we worked together, tonight. I think we really covered a lot of ground, and put in a ton of work… especially after a full work day outside of the house.

Reinforcing the Dining Room Wall

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