My Brightest Diamond: I Have Never Loved Someone

Since my post about the WindowSwap project, I’ve been thinking a lot about The Nicest Place on the Internet.

And in particular, the song “I Have Never Loved Someone” by My Brightest Diamond. I first heard the song via that site, and it’s still a haunting melody that I now can’t stop thinking about.

I looked a little closer at the lyrics and am now even fonder of the song:

I have never held a hand so soft and sacred
When I hear you laugh, I know heaven’s key
And when I grow to be a poppy in the graveyard
I will send you all my love upon the breeze

It’s an overcast morning as I write this, and I’m thinking a lot about everyone stuck inside at home, connected only by our keyboards and monitors. And the yearning we still and always have, to feel that closeness and relationship with others.

After a little more browsing: turns out, the YouTube Channel for the project still exists. And now I’m trying to find a way to recreate the site on my own, by playing/muting the “All of the hugs!” playlist, and playing the song over top of it all.

The Nicest Place on the Internet: Hugs From People You’ve Never Met

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