Catching Up with Ben and Allison

Left work a little early to make it out to Ben and Allison’s, to catch up a bit with them. While I’ve had some brief visits with family, I haven’t really had any kind of extended social gathering.
From time to time, our neighbors will get together and hang out for a bit. But beyond that, we’ve mostly been homebodies.
While visiting, they cracked open some wine and we just got around to catching up. A lot of talk about the early days of Coronavirus, and what we think the future holds in the next 6 to 12 months.
Lots of fun topics: root cellars, Morman prepper blogs, UFO’s, fantasizing on what knowledge or degree you’d want if you could just snap your fingers and have that information implanted into your brain.
I got to see Soren and Ingrid briefly, and learned from Ingrid that her birth stone is a Sapphire. And that my birthstone is an Aquamarine. And that sometimes, pearls that get stuck on the side of an oyster are called “blister pearls.”
The sun set as we were gabbing away, and it was pretty dark by the I gathered up to leave. As always, the sign of old friendships is how easily you all fall back into good conversations, regardless of how much time has passed.
It was a lovely visit, and we all started talking about ways we could get together again – safely, but to be social once more.
Video Drinks with Chris and Ben
Hanging Out at Ben and Allison’s
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