Doubly Busy Days

This is more a placeholder/memory post, and something to look back on from the future.
Liz and I have both been pretty busy, extremely so. We’re working on different things, but the vast majority of our days has us focused on our own projects/tasks.
We’ll catch a little bit of time in the evenings together, but I’m usually falling asleep soon after dinner and we barely have had time to really talk.
During the days, I’ll stop by her office area, tell her I miss her, and then we’ll both continue on about our days. While we normally catch a few moments before breakfast, this week has been particularly bad – and we’ll sometimes not even have a chance to say hello to one another until mid-morning.
On the plus side – we’re getting a lot of work done. It’s just coming at a cost of our time together, this week. Liz in particular has seen a pretty huge influx of changes and tasks, with her work. All good, but also fairly time-consuming.
[photo via Alexandar Todov]
Busy Nights, Lazy Nights
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