Hall Backer Board

It’s been a while since Liz and I tackled prepping and installing backer board. The process isn’t too bad overall, but we were slowly remembering the process and steps.

The reason for this particular work: on Bob’s suggestion, installing backer board along the base of all the walls saves time during the trim installation period. No need to hunt and hope for a stud – because you can nail in anywhere at all. Because the backer board is everywhere.

We’re working with 3/8″ plywood (to match the 3/8″ drywall layer). And so this involved ripping some of the larger 8′ boards down to size.

With all our plywood on the first floor, it made sense to bring the table saw up from the basement. It’s somewhat tight quarters, but enough space for us to run boards through.

Also broke out our small compressor. We’ve used this so infrequently, I forget that we actually own this guy.

Table saw setup.

In addition to the backer board along the base of the walls, we put 6″ strips around all the openings/doors.

Notched and installed!

It’s definitely been a while, but we felt much more comfortable at night’s end. Our biggest challenge this week: actually stopping work work at 5PM, so that we can focus on spending time in the evenings on the house.

Walls and Doors
Living Room Drywall Night

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