Temp Hall Window
Bob looked up a few options for us, in terms of a suitable temporary material to use for our south hall window. This will likely need to last through the winter, as the actual new windows will take some bit of time before they’re ready.
Bob found a “MultiLite Polycarbonate” sheet, which was similar to plexiglass… but thermal-insulated (and about half the price). One downfall with this sheet: it was composed of small-ish boxes, resulting in a kind of gauzy appearance (though it was technically clear).
We ended up going with Plexiglass, which was more expensive but more clear. Part of our desire for the window (at least for now) is to be able to have more natural light in the main hall. We’ll be deciding on a floor stain very soon, and the more natural light we can get, the better.
This is a photo taken long after the fact, but I still walk by and do a double-take each time. The plexiglass is so clear, at times it feels like there’s just a hole to the outside. Still not used to it.
Hall Window Framed
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