Cleaning the First Floor

The night before the flooring guys are due! Lots to be done, to make sure the whole first floor is ready when they show up at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning.
Liz packed up the bunnies, who will be staying in Liz Rench’s excellent care while we get all this work done.
We got a lot of the excess material moved/relocated yesterday, but tonight was all about cleaning.

All the bunny stuff, moved out.

Vestibule, all clear.

Looking in to the hall and dining room.

Dining room.

Nothing here but floor and wood.

Main hall.
I was down on my hands and knees, scraping away any excess mud that was on the floor. While there are still white spots, I made sure everything was smooth to the touch (which was all that was needed).
I also took the shop vac and went over every inch of the floor. This was pretty time-consuming, but ended up taking less time than I figured. In a lot of spots, the plywood had more dirt and grime than I realized, and lightened up considerably with each pass.
Going over all three rooms was… not fun. But a necessary thing. The clean plywood means that the flooring guys have a clean base to work from, with the new flooring that’ll get installed.
Which is happening tomorrow. And which feels totally not real. Hard to believe we’re actually at this point in the process.
Weirdly, as I was walking through the rooms… I was reminded of my last walkthrough at the first Emmis Interactive office, many years ago. A mixture of melancholy and exciement, at the prospect of a very serious change coming our way.
Final Cleaning and Washing of the Basement Floor
Doors and Windows and Floors
Creating Space on the First Floor
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