First Floor: Sanding

Bright and early, our flooring guys showed up to take the first pass on the first floor.

This thing is a beast. Nick mentioned it’s German, and quite expensive… but something he’s been really good about maintaining, over the years. He mentioned it still looks like it’s new, and emphasized that he’s someone who “takes care of my tools.”

I got permission to take this photo, because I wanted to add these guys to the historical record we’re keeping on the house. L to R it’s Milton and Nick.
They’ve done an incredible amount of work for us (and it’s thanks to Bob, who worked with them extensively on prior jobs). They’ve gone above and beyond for us, and the care and attention to detail they’ve undertaken has been really something to see.
We’ve hired contractors who’ve shown up to get the task done. And these guys, when they work, take serious pride in the job they do.

Prepping the living room.

At the end of the day, Liz and I walked around to marvel at the sanded floors.
Honestly? I was not expecting such a stark change, with the slight gaps between boards seemingly removed, and a continuity that stretched from room to room.

The sanding really changed the look and feel of things, which was really a surprise to me.

Looking into the hallway and into the dining room.

Dining room.

On the porch: two big bags, full of dust from the sanding process. I figured there would be some dust, but had no idea that this much dust would be generated.

These bags had some weight to them!

Once more, taking advantage of the warm weather.
First Floor, Final Cleanup
New Floor Install, Day 1
First Floor Leveling, Day 1
Main Hall Floor Demo
Living Room Floor Demo, Day 1
Dining Room Floor Demo
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