First Floor: Staining

Today’s the big day! With the sanding done, today was all about cleaning the first floor and applying the stain.

Nick and Milton got to work, while we stayed upstairs. For the staining process… once the stain’s down, we needed to stay off the floor for at least two hours.

Prior to them getting started, we hauled up a lot of snacks and drinks, to bide our time upstairs. There was no going downstairs into the kitchen, once they got started.

Near noon, Liz and I decided to sneak down to the landing to check on the progress. Got this great view of things.

Around 5PM, Liz and I went downstairs to check things out. We didn’t have a ton of lights on, but the stain dramatically changed the look and feel of all the rooms.

Peering into the living room.

From the hall, looking into the dining room.

We’re being really careful to watch gingerly along the floor. And I can’t help but feel like every step I take is going to somehow irreparably damage all the work that’s been done. It’s like the floor is some kind of delicate, beautiful lava, and I need to just stay off it at all costs.

Next steps: Nick and Milton will be showing up tomorrow to put on the first coat of varnish. And then a second coat the following day.

From there, I think we need to wait 72 hours untli we can cover up the floor. At which point, we’ll put down a layer of paper and then a layer of Masonite over everything.

It’s crazy to see how much the first floor has changed, over these last few months. This is a very big, big milestone for us with the house. It’s still not something I think I can fully comprehend.

First Floor, Final Cleanup
New Floor Install, Day 1
First Floor Leveling, Day 1
Main Hall Floor Demo
Living Room Floor Demo, Day 1
Dining Room Floor Demo

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