First Floor: Varnish 1
Nick and Milton came by today, to have another pass at the floor. After their normal, full day… they stopped by around 4PM to put down the first layer of varnish.
Similar to the stain, once the varnish is down… we need to stay off of the floor for a set amount of time (about an hour to an hour and a half, until it dries).

Around 6PM, Liz and I ventured down. The stain comes off just a bit darker, and has a richer color. Something that should improve with additional coats.

Nick’s coming by tomorrow for a second coat, where the whole process will repeat. We ultimately want a third coat, but are going to wait to apply that until after all the remaining work is done on the floor.
There’s other stuff (window installation, electrical, lights) yet to be tackled. Once all that’s out of the way, the third coat will help protect things moving forward.
The type of varnish Nick recommended for us sounds like it’ll hold up against a lot of traffic. Still may take me some time to feel comfortable, walking around.

Liz is still in a shocked phase, and still processing things. She said it really feels like someone else’s house, at the moment.
Weirdly, for me? If I stop and pause, and really focus… I can visualize how the rooms will morph into actual, functional rooms that we live in. But the awe and change of all that is hard for me to see.
At the moment, I just am worried and nervous about messing up the floor. And all I see is just a lot of open space for me to damage.
I think it’ll settle in more, as the days pass. Right now, we’re upstairs working all day, and only really get to come down in the early evening, when the sun’s already set. We’ve seen the stain and the varnish, but under the cover of darkness in many ways.
Looking forward to a weekend, where we’ll be here amidst actual daylight. I think it’ll start to feel even more surreal for me, then.
First Floor: First Floor: Staining
First Floor, Final Cleanup
New Floor Install, Day 1
First Floor Leveling, Day 1
Main Hall Floor Demo
Living Room Floor Demo, Day 1
Dining Room Floor Demo
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