The Cake Factory

Happened across this video via MetaFilter, and it’s the kind of thing that reminds me why the Internet exists. It’s a one hour and thirteen minute long, wordless video that tours a commercial Korean cake factory.

For those who grew up with Mr. Rogers like I did, these kinds of videos hit a spot deep down. They’re mesmerizing, and it’s difficult to pull away once you start watching.

I haven’t watched the entire thing, but I have to tell you… I”ve watched about 45 minutes of it so far. Click play if you want, but be prepared for the long haul if you do.

Also – I went a bit cray cray on the related links (below). Apparently, I’m really hungry at the moment.

Ben and Allison Get Married
The “Goodbye Internet Explorer 6” Cake Party
Tasting Cakes for the Wedding: Tipsy Cake
Tasting Cakes for the Wedding: Amy Beck and Cake Girls
Gifts for Baby Audrey: Baby Blanket, Fondant Cake and Cupcakes
Liz’s Fourth Fondant Cake: Floral Design
Liz’s Third Fondant Cake: Jake’s Birthday
Liz’s Third Fondant Cake: Jake’s Birthday
Liz’s Second Fondant Cake: Father’s Day in Frankfort
Liz’s First Fondant Cake

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