Cuddle Bunny
We were in Lake View this morning, running a bunch of errands. As we were driving down Clark, Liz looked out the window and yelled “It’s a bunny store!”
She had caught sight of something that seemed incredibly bunny-specific, and very bunny-themed. After we finished our errands, we circled back, parked, and walked towards the store.

Walking up, we saw these lovely murals on the side of the building.

And yes, bunny themed for sure.

Walking inside, we learned it was a business called Cuddle Bunny – a place that provides boarding of bunny rabbits, and also provides a way for people to interact with rabbits.

They also had a small gift/toys section, which we explored. We did get a few things for Phineas and Daisy while we were here.

We got to walk around the pen areas, and got to see several bunnies. There were two families/groups here, with the kids hanging out and feeding the bunnies.
It was a very interseting business model (that I hope has been doing well, during this last year of Coronavirus). But more than that, it was a lovely bit of serendipity – something we haven’t experienced much of, as house-bound as we’ve been.
It was lovely to be out today, with the temperatures rising and the sun out in full force. And doubly so, to have happened across such a fun business.
Bunny Rabbit Speed Dating: Quincy Returns to Red Door Animal Shelter
Visiting the Rabbits at Red Door Animal Shelter, Chicago
Visiting the Rabbits at Red Door Animal Shelter, Part 2
Bunny Rabbit Speed Dating, Part 1: Baxter Visits Red Door Animal Shelter
Bunny Rabbit Speed Dating, Part 3: Baxter Visits Red Door Animal Shelter
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