New Desk

Liz had to relocate her office up to the bedroom, back when we were getting work done on the first floor. We’ve held off moving her back down there over the winter (it’s warmer upstairs), but that may change soon.

Liz got a new desk delivered today. I’m a little concerned, in that we don’t really quite yet have space for this sort of thing downstairs. The first floor is still a work in progress. But the two of us talked, and a few things came up.

First, the desk was a fairly unique item… and the timing of the purchase required us to pull the trigger. There was no guarantee it (or others similar to it) would be available in the future… so getting it now was imperative if we really wanted it.

Second, we’re going to aim to use the first floor a bit more. While we do have things to do yet down there, we want to start using and inhabiting the space more. And we’ll just work around things.

So today, Liz got a new desk. And not yet a lot of room for it. But a lot of plans for it.

The delivery was up to the door, but they wouldn’t bring it inside. So we had to break things apart and carry them in, piece by piece ourselves.

It’s an old desk/table, that was used in a school’s science lab. Lots of drawers (and surprisingly, each with their own key).

Even more drawers! And to say these were original is no joke, in that when we opened these up… I found old paperclips and some gum wrappers. I wonder how long that stuff has been sitting around.

All the pieces moved, and this last bad boy to go. Liz was a beast and dug in deep, lifting this thing with me up the stairs and into the dining room. We were a little uncertain how this would go, but got it inside the house safely, in one attempt.

Home Dining Room Office
Liz Gets A New Office

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