The Nearness of the Vaccine

More and more folks I know are getting their vaccine shots. I’m still not quite eligible (I’m in the 1C category, and have to wait until the 29th). But the actual process, the shot itself… feels closer than ever.

I’ve watched friends on Facebook struggle with finding appointments. Multiple websites, constant refreshing, searching and waiting and trying and trying to find an open appointment any way they can.

And I’ve also seen those same friends triumph, and am starting to see fantastic photos and selfies, people sharing images of their first shots. And it’s really great and incredible.

There’s a part of me that, lately, has started to wonder about my reaction to the vaccine. I’m very eager to have it, to be in the clear. But I think that, like many, I’ve suppressed a great deal of anxiety over the last year, and pushed a lot of things down that are going to re-surface soon.

I was a wreck in the early few months of Coronavirus. And I don’t think those worries and concerns ever fully went away. I have a very strong hunch that the vaccination process for me is going to have some side-effects that are more mental than physical.

I’m excited that others are getting their shots. And I’m looking forward to the day when I can sigh a little more. And feel like I no longer have to constantly hold my breath.

[Photo via Mat Napo]

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