Garden Arbor Construction, Part 5

Despite it being a Friday, Liz and I opted to suit up after work to put in a bit more time getting the arbor in order. We wanted to get some concrete in for the posts (and to also figure out how much more concrete we needed to purchase, in the event we needed more).

Many of the videos we watched advocated for filling the hole with fast setting concrete, and then adding water. We opted to go a bag at a time: one bag dumped in dry, then a gallon of water (per the instructions on each bag). And we’d repeat/add until the hole was filled.

First post in.

Liz, shaping the last post.

All in all, we plowed through things pretty quickly. And got all four posts filled with cement.

It felt nice to bang through this portion of the project so quickly. We seem to be getting better/faster, as we continue working.

Not too shabby for a few hours after a full day at work!

Garden Arbor Construction, Part 1
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 2
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 3
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 4

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