Garden Arbor Construction, Part 6, and Espalier Posts
I got up pretty early this AM, and headed out to Menard’s to pick up some additional bags of fast setting concrete.
We had 5 bags on the porch, and averaged about 2+ bags per post hole for the arbor. We had three additional posts to set against the fence, and Liz and I both had different numbers on how much cement we thought was needed.
I wanted to round up, assuming 3 bags per hole; Liz felt we needed less, since these posts would be taller and there would be more filler added in terms of gravel.
Ultimately, I went out and picked up 5 additional bags super early (circa 7AM). Got some coffee/breakfast, and we got an early start this morning.

Liz, checking out the depth of the post holes as we add in the grave base.

Two posts set up and ready!
We ultimately made short work of the back fence posts, and moved on to progressing the arbor a bit more.

Our goals for the arbor today were pretty modest: get in the bottom 2×4 cross braces (with pocket screws) and also get in the top 4×4 cross beams.

Liz, marking out where the 4x4s need to line up.

Seeing double here!

With the cross braces/beams at the top/bottom, we were able to remove several of the braces we had in place. The arbor is pretty well solid now depth-wise, but we still need to hold things in place width-wise… until we get the arches in place.
After digging and filling 7 post holes, we’ve gotten much better at the whole process. The funny thing is: I don’t know when we’d use this skill again. Maybe if we tackle a Little Free Library in the future.
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 1
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 2
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 3
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 4
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 5
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