Garden Arbor Construction, Part 7

After work today, Liz and I decided to race the light and try to get the trellises built for the arbor. We had all the material lying around from our materials run, so it was just a matter of doing the measurements and making the cuts.

First though: determining how wide to make the gaps between pieces.

Liz, taking a step back and taking it all in.

First rows in place! We also cut a few pieces to serve as cleats, set an inch and a half from the outer edge.

First side done!

While we had to do some math to determine the spacing between each horizontal and vertical piece, we cut some blocks to the appropriate dimensions.

Liz, helping to steady the middle pieces as we added in screws.

The trellises at a distance.

Things are shaping up!

We made really good (and surprisingly fast) progress this evening. We started around 4:30 and finished up close to 8PM. There was still light left in the sky, by the time we put all our tools away.

Garden Arbor Construction, Part 6, and Espalier Posts
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 5
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 4
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 3
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 2
Garden Arbor Construction, Part 1

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