Christiana Lakehouse, Day 3

Liz, playing a few rounds of Hive with Sebastian.

Getting in a few rounds of Cornhole before lunch.

Darby, who found her groove once she moved to this side of the board.

Brandon set up a slack line (and is something to behold, watching him run and leap onto the thing). Here he is helping Sebastian navigate a few steps.

Liz and me, helping Julie take a few steps on the slack line.

Finding balance!

Late into the evening, the sparklers came out.

While I was watching the kids take turns with their sparklers, I couldn’t help but flash back to 2010, when they were all in Frankfort doing the same thing. But were so much younger, so much smaller than they are now.

My heart was breaking more than a little bit, watching Audrey and remembering one of my favorite photos from that evening so long ago.

After the sparklers, the adults took the kids snipe hunting. Several of us hung back, our pockets laden with rocks, and we’d periodically try to hit nearby trees and branches to make some noise.
The kids eventually caught on, but it did take some time. After maybe 30+ minutes, one of them decided to use their phones to look up what a snipe looked like… and it kinda went downhill from there.
Christiana Lakehouse, Day 2
Christiana Lakehouse, Day 1
Fireworks in Frankfort (2010)
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