A Literal Test Drive

Before running some errands tonight, I decided to throw my Arduino project into a box, hook up a 9V battery to it, and take it along for a test drive. On our drive.

Entered in the Long/Lat of one of our stops, and asked Liz to give the button a few presses along the way.

I think the wiring was a bit loose, and there were some power issues. So we didn’t have a lot of luck on the drive. But as we got closer to our destination, the GPS module kicked in and started blinking… and we got a few button presses in before parking.

Pretty much on the money, in terms of location. I had the default arrival set to be anywhere within 30 feet of the actual coordinates, but I think that’s still too specific. I may need to make the area wider, so that as long as you’re within 100 feet of the location, it’ll work.

A Momentary Victory

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