Lode Runner

Ah, the magic of the Internet – where you can play Lode Runner online.
I have very clear memories of this game, though I don’t know that I can clearly recall where, exactly, I played this. It must have been on some friend’s Commodore 64 computer.
But I know I played it incessantly. And couldn’t get enough.
I also know that I was much better then, than I am now, some many decades later. But I think I’ll go try to rectify that right now.
It’s such a strange thing, to feel this kind of nostalgia for a game. Seeing these maps is like driving down an old street from your home town. Familiar from your memories, but different now in light of the current day.
It also feels odd to have wanted to play a game so badly as a child, and to now have such access (and time and means) now. And to be able to play it as much as I want. It’s that same strange offset that I felt, when visiting modern day arcades.
[via MetaFilter]
Portland Anniversary, Day 6: Ground Kontrol, Billy Galaxy, Powell’s, Pine Street Market, Vault, Pink Rabbit, Sizzle Pie
Growing Up in Arcades
Visiting Nickel City Arcade, Family Entertainment Center
Saturday at the Galloping Ghost Arcade
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