Celebrating My Mom’s Birthday: St. Elmo’s

It’s been a while since I’ve visited family in Indianapolis. We made plans to spend the holidays together, but that got cancelled almost before it started.

We’ve been trying to figure out a good time to get together, and landed on a quick one-day visit to Indy to celebrate my mom’s birthday. We all headed downtown to St. Elmo’s (a place I hadn’t gone to yet, despite growing up in Indy).

I wasn’t quite expecting the maze-like interior, but we got taken downstairs and to some far back room. Because there were eight of us, we got seated in a room off the main area… and though some other folks sat at the nearby tables, it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.

The Huttes. I kind of like this image of them, with the pastoral painting in the background.

The famed shrimp cocktail.

Jasmine and Jahnu decided tonight, of all nights, to try meat for the first time. They’ve eaten vegetarian since forever, but tonight seemed to be where their curiosity got piqued. Jasmine, of course, recorded the whole thing for… what is it the kids use nowadays, TikTok?

What I love about this image: they’re both surrounded by tons of veggie dishes.

Group photo! Though it was a brief visit, it was nice seeing everyone for a little while after such a long hiatus. There’s talk of a summer family vacation, which would be a fun thing to do again. Perhaps, if things start continuing to return to normal.

Christmas, Interrupted
Celebrating My Mom’s Birthday, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, Indianapolis

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