Uno > Nano

In trying to imagine moving my project into a physical container (box), the Arduino Uno itself is a bit bulky. I’ve been trying to figure out how to shrink the footprint down more, and ultimately decided to switch things over to an Arduino Nano (technically a Nano Every).
One mixup: apparently I ordered the Nano Every with headers (and I took this to mean it just included the header pins). It actually came with the headers already installed/soldered, so that was a nice surprise. Instead of needing to do that work, I was able to just pop it into the breadboard.

Compared to what things looked like previously, this setup is markedly smaller. Pulling out all the wires was a little daunting, and definitely a point of “no turning back.”
That said, the upside here is that I can move to a half-breadboard. And can potentially keep the overall footprint to just the size of a perma-proto board.

A revelation: the amount of messy wires gets reduced drastically, as I’m no longer needing long jumper wires from breadboard to Arduino. The distances are much smaller, and things are more compact.
There’s a bit of translation, between the Uno and Nano Every, but for the most part I just compared pinout diagrams between both… and was able to rewire things fairly quickly.
One negative, that many others have already voiced online: the pin names are marked on the underside of the Nano. Super annoying and not useful at all.
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