A Small Setback

Went downstairs tonight and on opening the basement door… my heart sank. Part of a wall that we’d been digging out had collapsed, sending soil into our cleared space.

Worse than that – the soil exposed two cement columns we had dug and filled as support, rendering them effectively useless/unreliable.

With so much of the left column exposed, and the right column so near the edge of the soil… neither would really be very stable for long.

A lot (more) soil to remove.

While some of this was already going to be removed, seeing this collapse really took the gas out of my engine. We’ve got a lot of exposed soil on several sides, and the idea that all of them could collapse unexpectedly at any point was now more of a certainty.

I’m not sure what I was thinking, prior to today. I always had some worry that the soil would collapse, but it held for a good while now. That said, I know you can’t just have a cliff face of soil exposed for weeks on end, without the chance of it shifting on you.

Our final work (pouring a concrete floor and building walls) is still a ways away. And I wasn’t sure how we’d keep things stable until that future day. On top of all that, the back porch now seems to be in an unstable way.

I got pretty despondent on seeing this. I know it’s just more soil to clear out, but this really took the wind out of my sails.

// Edit: Looking back, I probably should title this post something more than “A Small Setback.” It’s easy to write this in hindsight, but at the time… this was incredibly upsetting.

Digging Under the Back Porch, Part 9

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