Valpo Visit
We learned the Ford kids were moving on a little earlier than expected. Our plans were to try to squeeze in another visit over the weekend, but instead… we realized we needed to hop over tonight, after work, to see them once more before they left.

On arriving, we found the kids hanging out on the couch watching Kim’s Convenience. We ended up joining them on the couch and vegged out for an episode and a half.

We had a late birthday celebration for Audrey, and were joined by Savannah, Tim, Emmy, and Gavin.

Audrey, blowing out her candles.
A brief visit, but nice to get in a little more time with these kids. Who, by the by, are growing up so fast I can’t even believe it. Or perhaps, I don’t want to believe it.

Everyone came out to see us off, as we headed back to the city. As we pulled away, I spotted everyone in the rear view mirror… playing the top of the garbage bin like a big drum. It seemed like a very picturesque moment.
Valparaiso to Indianapolis
Everyone… Meet Baby Audrey
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