Working on the Boat, Day 2
Anne flew in last night, and we had the chance to catch up a bit over dinner. This morning, we all suited up and headed back to the marina to put a few more hours in working on the boat.

We incorporated a Bakers Scaffold, to help with things. Ever since I did a solo demo run of our stairs, I’ve been enamored with how versatile these things are.

Kirt and Liz, back at their tasks.

With more people working, we ended up needing more extension cords (due to us popping the circuit a few times). The placement of the water spigot next to the electrical outlet made me a little… nervous.
Not pictured: what it looked like inside, when Kirt opened up the thing to reset the breakers.

Working together.

Angle shot.

Kirt continued to do the brunt of the work with his scraper, while Liz and Anne worked on clearing up the hard to reach areas with their orbital sanders.

Everything got a bit blue.

Again, not too shabby for a few hours’ work.

Fast forward a few hours (and a few showers) later… and all of us were attending Jinx (an annual skit/show, performed by a lot of the children in the nearby area, Sylvan Breach).

I was a little wary of sitting inside, so we all grabbed some benches on the porch outside (where it was a little more open, and a little cooler).

Quick and distant photo of Jackson, performing with his friends. They all did a lip-sync version of NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye.

It’s hard for me to really fathom sometimes just how much history there is, in the surrounding area. While we attended a kids’ show full of dancing and lip-syncing, it’s worth noting that this particular show has been going on for 114 years. Kinda crazy.
Working on the Boat, Day 1
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