A New Bunny in the House
In addition to the speed dates at Red Door, Liz also took Daisy to meet a bunny that Liz Rench has been fostering (named Carmelita).
Two females bonding is not unheard of, but is typically a tougher match. So there was some hesitation here, bringing Daisy and Carmelita together. But they got along pretty well on their first date, and Carmelita was a strong candidate.
After yesterday’s visit and a lot of discussion… Liz felt that Carmelita was a better match for Daisy. Even though from what we saw, any of the three candidates would have been a fine match (Mr. Bubbles, Kip, and Carmelita).
I should mention at this point: ever since our first speed dating session, Daisy hasn’t been herself. She’s been incredibly low energy, reclusive, taking to hiding in her box most of the time.
She’s not eating as much, and tends to finish her meals in the middle of the night, long after everyone has gone to sleep. Liz and I both noticed this, and we aren’t able to figure out exactly why.
Is she still missing Phineas? Is she overly stressed from us taking her on a whirwind social circuit, these last few days? Is she excited to be with a new bunny, and despondent on returning home to be all alone again? We can’t tell.
Suffice it to say, her behavior and energy has very much changed. And in her interactions with other bunnies, she’s been incredibly tolerant. From our point of view, it seems like she’s very much ready for another companion.

Breaking down the bunny area, so that we can have separate pens.

We got a new rug, so that this would be considered by both bunnies a “neutral space.”

Two pens, side by side.

Carmelita, checking things out.

In a surprise move – Daisy hopped on top of her box. Not once, but twice. We’re not sure if the new surroundings have given her a bit of pep, or if it’s Carmelita’s presence that has her energetic once more.
Liz and I hung out for a while here. And while Daisy eventually rested in her box… she was incredibly active. More active than we’ve seen in days.

I like imagining her saying “What are you looking at?”

Carmelita, on top of the world.

Carmelita, getting comfortable.
Daisy Goes on Some Speed Dates, Red Door Animal Shelter: Part Two
Daisy Goes on Some Speed Dates, Red Door Animal Shelter: Part One
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