The AC is on!

There was a small snag with a valve breaking, that required some additional fixing. So we had a bit of a delay, in actually getting the AC running on the first floor.
But things are now fixed, and today was the day Bob got the refrigerant back into the system.

Bob, checking the dials and numbers.
Funny coincidence: he needed a bathroom scale, to help monitor how much refrigerant was getting back in. We had thrown ours away, but were out running some errands. And on our to-do list while we were out: buy a bathroom scale.
Liz and I are looking to start Keto soon, and the scale was a first step. Good timing, all around.

A lot of tools, to get the job done.
It’s really amazing and crazy, to hear (and feel) the AC coming through our vents. We’ve used window units for so long now, this is an entirely new experience.
Our second floor is still using window units, but the first floor is now cooled officially through our newly installed porch unit. We were joking with Bob that it was weird to hear how quiet things were… and it was also weird to hear the sound of the new AC. Weird all around!
Today was pretty huge. After all that digging, and clearing out all that space under the deck… to have this unit officially running was really amazing. Truly, a major milestone for us at the house.
AC Install, Back Garden Work
Back Porch Demo, AC Install Begins
Temporary Heat
The Heat is On!
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