Everyone, Meet Hugo

Everyone, please allow me to officially introduce you to Hugo. Formerly “Mr. Bubbles,” Liz and I took a long while to land on a new name.

Nothing really seemed to stick. And Hugo just slowly emerged from the list of names as the one that fit the best.

We’ve joked that we should have named him “Buddy,” because that’s what we end up calling him casually. Maybe that will be more of a nickname, and Hugo will be what he uses for… I dunno, when he signs legal documents or something.

While Hugo is still living in a separate pen, we look forward to the day where he and Daisy will be sharing the same space. With a more official name change from us, it’s another step in bringing him in to the family.

Daisy and Mr. Bubbles, Second Bonding Session
Daisy and Mr. Bubbles, First Bonding Session
Another New Bunny in the House

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