Cold Porch Work
We had plans for a lazy day today… but come noon, Liz and I opted to suit up to tackle a few things outside. The weather’s turning, and with more cold temps coming our way… we decided to do as much as we could, to try to finalize some existing/ongoing projects.
For the back porch – we’ve got some railings and balusters to install.
We had a few 2x4s installed… and measured/cut some additional 2x4s to tie them together.
We also snapped a line to determine where the balusters should end (to match up to the old/existing porch stuff we kept).
New balusters installed. With Liz, showing off the new prison-like structure.
A funny thing – we’d gotten really used to using the deck as a kind of storage/shelf, while working outside. With these new balusters in place, we’ve lost that. And it’s incredibly inconvenient.
Still – things are closer to being done. Shortly after this, dusk was coming on… and I had just enough time to cut the tops of the balusters off. Still to do: measuring and adding some 2×6 boards for the top of the railings. We’ll see how far we get this year, and whether it ends up being a Spring project instead.
Deck Work
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