Felix Jung, 20×2 Chicago: Who Cares?

Realized I never ended up posting my talk from the last 20×2 Chicago, back in June. It’s the first live event I’ve attended since the pandemic, and the first time I got back on stage in… well, in a while.

For those not familiar with the format, 20 speakers are all given the same question. You can answer however you like – Powerpoint presentation, a speech, interpretive dance. The only rule is that you answer must be made in 2 minutes or less.

I got to dig a bit into my blog archives for this one, which was fun.

There was a host of great speakers, and you can view the whole event on YouTube.

Also – make sure to check out the the event’s YouTube channel, where there are tons of videos from prior events. I highly recommend attending this event in person, but these videos are the next best thing.

Returning to 20×2 Chicago After Two Years
Luckiest Penny Ever
Stolen Luck: Bank Where I Found a Lucky Penny Gets Robbed, Less Than 24 Hours Later
Bucktown/Wicker Park (2004)

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