Christmas in Indy, Day 4: Christmas Day

Christmas morning, baking some leftover Sugar Cookie dough.

Presents by the tree.

Mom wanted a photo with Kaya, and Jasmine obliged.

To try to show how big Kaya is, folks tried to stand Kaya up on her hind legs. I caught this from the side, but would be fun to see the actual photo of this.

Jasmine and Jahnu, opening presents.

A pile of gifts along the couch.

Jahnu and Dad, taking photos.

Dad, opening gifts.

Shane, Liz and me.

Jahnu, showing off the custom socks he got (featuring a photo of Kaya on the socks).

Note to self: next year, take this photo and print them on a new pair of socks. Repeat for the next 30 years.

Watching Jasmine opening her gifts.

A view of the family/room.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas in Indy, Day 1: Painting Prep and Ransom Note
Christmas in Indy, Day 2: Cold and Snow, Painting and Cookies
Christmas in Indy, Day 3: Hallway Painting and Mahjong

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