Spent the day today mostly pecking at a keyboard, with little to show for it. I’ve done a lot of local WordPress development over the years, but it’s been a minute. I was able to get MAMP up and running pretty quickly, but from there… I had a lot of struggles.

WordPress has really changed, since I last peeked under the hood. So much so, that I probably should revisit my LinkedIn profile and get rid of the WP stuff.

I was working on creating a generic Child Theme, and it took me a while to get things wired up.

I guess today was one of those research days, where you sit down expecting to code and build a lot of stuff… and instead, it just turns into a long day of Googling crap, and looking over StackOverflow/forum questions.

Ah well. It was nice to finally get things working, but hoo boy did it take a while.

Migrating from Movable Type to WordPress
Learning About WordPress and Child Themes

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