The Picard Imperative

We got an invite to watch the Season Premier of Picard, Season 3 this weekend. It’s the last season apparently, and our friends/hosts are planning on getting folks together for a viewing.
A viewing, I might add, that also will include a bottle of Chateau Picard (vintage 2386), a bottle of Klingon Blood Wine, and the new Romulan Ale (technically Rye Whiskey). Go big or go back to your homeworld, amirite?
Whiel Liz and I watched the first season, it was a very long while ago. And we never got around to watching the second season. Lo and behold, the party sounds like a great time… which meant we had a little under a week to binge watch a whole season.
Hopefully, we’ll have enough time. Which is a silly thing to say, given the theme of this second season.
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