A Star Trek Evening in the Suburbs
Tonight, Liz and I met up with Mike and Michelle, the four of us gathering at Najwa and Joe’s house. It was a group gathering so that we could watch the Season Three premiere of Picard, as all of us are pretty big Star Trek fans.
Well – I’m actually not sure where I stand, in terms of fandom. I know a lot of lore. But I don’t own any physical show memorabilia. But I’d recognize a bat’leth if I saw one.
Interesting side note: we’ve hung out with Najwa and Joe a decent amount. But I’ve held back from taking/sharing any photos, because I haven’t really asked if it was ok yet. I’m also severely out of practice, with the blog.
I think one of these days soon, when we hang out again, I may ask to officially take their photos and include them in the blog. Because we enjoy their company so much, and enjoy spending time with them. But just haven’t had that conversation yet. A little weird, I guess.
Prior to the viewing, we had a phenomenal meal courtesy of Najwa: two different kinds of lasagna, baby asparagus, salad, and garlic bread. It was a meal fit for a group of 20, but it was just four of us visiting. But simply incredible food.

A fun treat, to go with the viewing: some custom Star Trek booze! On the left, it’s Klingon Blood Wine (Cabernet Sauvignon) and a bottle of Chateau Picard (85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Merlot blend).

On the cork – a bit of Klingon! At least, I think it’s Klingon? See, this is what I mean about me not being sure how strong of a Star Trek fan I am.
I will say this though: when we all gathered glasses to make a toast, I knew enough to yell out Qapla’.

Moments before the viewing. Is that Beverly Crusher I see in the thumbnail?

Liz and I lingered for a while, after the premiere. We got to talking with Joe, and the movie Ninja Assassin came up.
And, with the projector and large screen sitting unused in front of us… that talk turned into “You gotta watch the intro.” And then eventually turned into us watching the entire film, “Ninja Assassin.”
We then hung out a good while, chatting about a wide range of topics (along with Najwa and Joe, we were also hanging out with their son Michael).
We had to pull ourselves away at midnight so we could get home. But I could easily have seen us staying and talking for another few hours, easily. Next time, maybe we should bring some Saurian brandy.
The Picard Imperative
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