Second Pocket Door: Hidden Mechanisms

Liz, working on the second pocket door and stripping paint fron the other side.

As part of her cleanup, she investigated the various openings near the to of the door. There are two metal rods that come out of the top of the door, and eventually attach to a set of wheels (which allows the door to slide open/closed along a track).
Tougher to visualize, so maybe these older photos will help.

Liz started to take out some of the pieces, for cleaning. And then realized someone had cut out part of the door to insert some fittings, and then patched it up again (a small square of wood). She got a few things cleaned up, but ultimately stepped back from taking the whole thing apart.
Seeing this door compared to where it was is quite something. I guess I should have figured Liz would roll up her sleeves, and end up being the one to do the restoration.
Second Pocket Door: Trim Removal
Second Pocket Door: Work Begins
Walls and Doors
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