A Saturday of House Work

Saturday was a bit of an odd day for us. Liz was slowly recovering from her illness yesterday. But because she missed work, she decided she needed to work today to make up for lost time (she’s got a busy next week, ahead).

For my part, I’ve been a bit restless. And decided to work on our trim calculations a bit more, and spent the better part of the day getting our numbers in order.

Part of the challenge: in addition to figuring out our actual linear feet needed, we’ve been trying to figure out how this breaks down into set length boards (10′, 12′, 14′, 16′). Trying to order enough material so that we can account for mistakes or problems, but trying not to order too much material where we’re just wasting money with excessive cutoffs.

By late afternoon, Liz was still working – and I ended up cleaning the upstairs bathroom. Again, a bit unusual for me, but I felt the need to be in motion. To be doing some kind of activity.

I ended up listening to a few episodes of Hidden Brain, and really enjoyed the process of getting something physical done (while occupying my mental side in the process).

Trim Logic

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