Darlingside: Clay and Cast Iron
Can’t seem to help myself, as I’ve been on a Darlingside kick for a while now. Ever since I got tickets to see them, and ever since we attended their show at North Shore Center… they’ve been on heavy rotation for me.
Similar to what happened when I discovered Early James, I’m realizing just how much I like this group. Because I just keep posting and posting songs from them, one after another.
A song I’ve had on repeat a lot lately has been “Clay and Cast Iron”:
White gold, sapphire, and apricot soap
French leather purses and saris with painted-on flowers
The smell of old cedar and jasmine perfume
The opening lines are incredibly descriptive, and honestly remind me of being in a creative writing workshop. The language is overly flowery, but I don’t end up minding it (too much). Again, what I think keeps bringing me back to this group is how well their harmonies work, and how lovely they sound as a group. When their voices combine is when I end up falling for this song in particular.
What I’m finding odd is that I’m now hearing the bass lines more. This may be a result of attending their show… but the bass adds a layer of richness that I hadn’t noticed, until I saw them live. And now I seem to hear and fixate on it a lot more, when re-listening to their songs.
Darlingside @ North Shore Center
Darlingside: The God of Loss
Darlingside: 1979
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