A Visit to Gethsemane
Today, Liz and I went out early for brunch at Lula’s. And afterward, made our way north to Gethsemane.
Liz had made a trek out here earlier for plants, but was looking for a few more items. So I tagged along, mostly for support (and to guard the cart).
A view looking in, from the parking lot.
I should mention: cars were backed up outside, waiting to get into the lot to park. I was amazed to see a dedicated guy at the entrance, helping to direct cars in to empty spots.
But after a moment, I realized there were three guys working the lot, each keeping track of cars leaving and waving waiting card forward. This place was impressively busy.
Liz, on the hunt for roses.
Waiting under some shade.
There were a lot of nice symmetries to be found.
The overall footprint of the place is huge. I think I crossed a street to get to this section.
A New Tree for the Front Yard
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