Arnaud Delannoy plays “Careless Whisper” on 100 Instruments

Arnaud Delannoy can play a lot of instruments. And he does so, showcasing what George Michael’s “Careless Whisper” sounds on 100 of them. It’s an impressive feat, and it just keeps going and going.

I love this kind of stuff, and it very much reminds me of the Internet of yore, circa the 2000’s. So very fun, and so much work going into something so silly. The video gets more fun the longer it goes on, and it’s a treat to watch all these variations.

[via MetaFilter]

A Sonic Rube Goldberg Machine with 100 Kazoos and a Shot of Tequila
Otamatone: Nonsensical Musical Instrument by Quirky Art/Music Collective Maywa Denki
Careless or Dead: Hypnotic George Michael and Bon Jovi Mashup

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