Halloween 2023: Assembly

With most of the pieces painted, it’s time to assemble!

A tremendous caveat: I used a lot of scrap wood, and some pretty twisted 2x4s. If you’ll grant me a kindness, let’s blame the flaws in this construction on those warped boards… and not on my lackluster skills as a craftsman.

The painting definitely hides a lot of sins, but woo boy are there a lot of sins in this thing. But it’s a brief Halloween project, so let’s just gloss over things, shall we?

Last year, we did some pretty fancy work. This is a far cry from last year.

A few support structures, to hold up our boards. Spray painted black, over the course of a few days.

Foam installed over each opening, and pinned down with a few short screws and some strips of masonite.

Interior/Backside view of the foam. Trying very hard to not add an anus joke here.

Adding the top to the board, along with a few supports. There are innumerable gaps between these boards, and it’s just… rough. Don’t stare too long, there’s some terrible work here.

The project is put together, with screw holes patched up. For tomorrow: more sanding and another coat of paint.

halloween 2023: Painting
Halloween 2023: Work Continues
Halloween 2023: Work Begins

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