A Shameful Reminder
Posted here, mostly as a reminder of a shameful incident at Home Depot. We were looking for “rope lights,” something we could put outside and light up our sidewalk for Halloween.
Liz gravitated towards an LED section near the light bulbs, but I balked. Most of the things on the shelves were for cabinet/interior lighting, so I insisted we look elsewhere.
So we roamed Home Depot for the next 20+ minutes, trying to find some lights that were weather resistent.
After a long while, we split up and I ended up asking a Home Depot employee for some help finding rope lights. He took me back to where Liz was originally, and on the second to last shelf near the bottom… we found some LED strips made for the outdoors.
Had I just paused an extra 30 seconds, we would have saved a lot of time.

The lights (after much searching).
If “Being Wrong When My Wife was Right” was allowed in the Olympics, I’d say this puts me solidly for the Bronze… and maybe a contender for the Silver. When I brought Liz back to the LED section where she was originally, the look she gave me was intense. I can still feel it on the back of my head.
We got the lights though. No thanks to me.
Date Night at Home Depot
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