Covid Vaccine, 2023

We’re a little behind on our shots this year, having tried (and failed) to get the Covid vaccine a few weeks ago.

We decided to take some time off work to drive up to Evanston, to get our shots. We had a horrible experience at the Streeterville Immediate Care… and were adamant about not going to a Walgreen’s for this. So we trekked up to the burbs.

On arriving, we learned that there were only three doses left (didn’t realize that locations could actually run out). Got in in the nick of time.

Overall, it was remarkably quick – we were waiting less than 10 minutes, and were in and out very quickly.

We really should have gotten these shots earlier, but things got busy. Very relieved to go into Fall with these shots taken care of. Next up: getting a flu shot, before we get into winter.

I know we’re supposed to think of these Covid vaccine as an annual thing, as common and as innocuous as the annual flu shots. But there’s a part of me that still hasn’t felt like we’ve left the pandemic phase (even though I go about my life with this understanding).

I don’t wear a mask anymore. I don’t avoid crowds too much, anymore. But I’m not yet convinced that things are “back to normal,” and still head into the colder months with a healthy degree of trepidation. Even now.

Covid Vaccine: Bivalent Booster
Covid Vaccine: Booster
Covid Vaccine: Shot #2
Covid Vaccine: Shot #1

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