Covid Math

I’ve been talking with my sister Stacey the last few days, and we’ve been trying to figure out what to do for the holidays. Liz and I have traditionally done the rounds, visiting various families over a few weekends.

This year though, with Liz getting Covid (for the first time), and me starting not to feel great… we were trying to see if our situations improved before Christmas rolled around.

We’ve been working out the math, trying to figure out whether Liz is still in the infectious stage. How many days has she been sick, how many days have I been sick. And so on.

The two of us agreed that today (Saturday, December 23) would be our final determination – and as Liz and I had breakfast, we realized that going to Indy wasn’t a good idea.

Liz has been improving, but is still struggling with a cough. And to imagine us inside my sister’s house for an extended period, with Liz (and me) both coughing frequently… it just didn’t seem good.

We’d be putting my folks at risk during our visit, and also putting everyone in Stacey’s house at risk as well.

As much as we wanted to travel and spend the holidays there, we decided to pull back. And just rest up in Chicago.

We had to do something similar, when we cut our visit short in 2021. It’s been a while since that happened, but that memory comes to mind now… and it feels very recent.

[photo via ThisisEngineering]

Double Sick
Liz Tests Positive
Christmas, Interrupted

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