Clearing the Office
For most of last week, Liz and I were both mostly just recuperating from Covid. Not much of anything, other than a lot of coughing and a lot of sitting in bed, resting.
This week, we started to get a bit more energy. We’re still coughing more than makes sense, but have been going about doing a little house work over the holidays.

Visited the storage unit to drop off a few things. And to reshuffle the space to carve out a little more room.

Back at home, I returned to find Liz had started stripping the second pocket door.

Getting into all the spots (and discovering a disturbing amount of caulk, hidden in the door).

For me, I was in the upstairs office area which… has mostly been an ignored area of the house for a long while. It’s mostly storage, but we’re looking to clear it out and get a bit more work done here.

A side closet I haven’t looked in, in a long, long while.

A lot of piles of things.

Some items, relocated.

Still more to move, but getting there.
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