Christmas Tree Dropoff

Chicago has a Christmas tree recycling program, where folks can go and drop off their old/dry Christmas trees. These locations are spread around various public parks, and the closest one to us was at Jackson Park.

The directions were a little vague, and I was only able to figure out where the “spot” was by seeing these piles of discarded trees at a nearby field house.

Our trees have been pretty dry the last few days, but I was adamant about not moving them out of the house until I was ready to take them to recycling.

I was adamant about not leaving our old trees on the front porch. Mostly because I have this worry that some random arsonist is going to walk by and see the opportunity. And set our house ablaze with the flick of a match.

Liz has mocked me mercilessly about this, the last few days. But I’m solid in my sense that doing so would be dangerous in the city. Tempting fate, by leaving this uber flammable thing that’s visible from the street.

Curious for some outside voice on this. Is leaving a dry Christmas tree on the front porch dangerous? Or no different than, say, storing some lengths lumber?

Christmas in Chicago
Danger Trees
Baxter Nibbles the Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree Decoration, 2008

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