Final Office Cleanup, Drywall Relocation

We’ve got some workers coming to the house, to work on our office area (adding a lot of much needed structural support to the ceiling joists).

Before their arrival though, we’ve been trying to clear out the office area. Partly to make room, and partly to prep for when we can demo out the remaining floorboards and get new plywood down everywhere.

I’ve been stressing a bit about this cleanup. The drywall we need to move is 10′ long, 5/8″ thick, and is markedly heavier than your typically drywall (because it’s soundproof drywall).

Liz and I have handled this stuff before, but we had cut things down to more manageable sizes. I wasn’t sure how we’d far trying to move full boards around the room.

Additionally – I was trying to do things in such a way that would allow us to pull up the existing plywood on the floor, just in case we needed to. And that meant avoiding putting any of the drywall onto the plywood boards. A lot of moving around.

Surprisingly, we didn’t end up needing to cut down the drywall – and Liz and I were able to move it ourselves. And the whole process was a lot faster than I had budgeted.

A lot of the drywall, sitting along the North wall. I wanted to ensure these pieces sat across multiple joists to distribute the weight – and also didn’t want to have a huge stack of them in one spot.

We ended up running the drywall in two segments, along the North wall.

If things go well, we’re aiming to open up this whole area – getting rid of the wall studs on the right, and also finally removing the support structure in the middle of the room.

Clearing the Office
The Office Basement Shuffle
First Attempt with Soundproof Drywall

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