The Coughing Starts

So I’ve started to cough now, too. I was optimistic, in that Liz has been struck with this cough for days… but I’ve largely been unaffected.

No longer true, it seems.

I guess whatever this thing was, was simply biding its time. Getting stronger and then deciding to jump on over my way.

Liz has had this deeper cough, with a lot of congestion. She’s been coughing a lot trying to get rid of things, and it’s only working with partial success. Honestly, it’s a little scary to hear at times – but she’s pushing through for the most part.

Me, the cough is sporadic. I don’t have as much “stuck” that I’m trying to get out, but the few times I do try to cough… it’s deep and actually painful to cough. Mostly, I’m blowing my nose a lot, with less frequent coughing fits.

When the two of us have a coughing fit at the same time together, in the same room… I wonder what our neighbors must think. It must sound like something terrible, from the outside.

[photo via Kelly Sikkema]

Double Sick
Coughing, Convalescence, Couch
A Cough, a Sneeze, and the Ignominy of Back Pain

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