Franklin Room: Scotch Malt Whisky Society, March 2024 Outturn

Got to attend the SMWS March outturn tonight, at the Franklin Room.
The crowd was a bit smaller, but perhaps that’s me comparing the incredibly crowded room from last month (when we came with Katie and Tim).
Our theory is that February was the first official event of the year (no event in January), and there were an influx of new Society members… all interested in attending their first event. Last year, each Society member got a free, one-year gift membership they could give away to someone else… a pretty savvy marketing move, and a definite bump in their numbers.
Last time, we nearly had to fight for seats as the whole place was packed when we walked in. Tonight, definitely more subdued and we got to hang out a bit at the bar, beforehand.
Fun evening – we got to sit next to Michael, one of the regulars. And if memory serves, Michael (along with the event host Elhan) was among the first founders of the Chicago chapter of Drammers.
It was really fun for me to sit back, and to listen to Liz and Michael go back and forth. I tend to be intimidated in these settings, as my palate and experience seem limited compared to others – and I’m always awed to watch Liz, who is very much in her element.
Tonight, I was proud that I got a few guesses correct. And that I’m starting to get a better sense of distinguishing between single vs double maturation. And also felt like I got a few close guesses in (where a second barrel was something different – like a recharred barrel).

Lingering a the bar, post-event. Looking at the various Society bottles available.

A bottle that was shared with us: a bottle from Fisherman’s Retreat, a restaurant in the UK that’s also an independent bottler. This particular bottle was from Glasgow Distillery, and spent time in Sancerre and Oloroso casks.
We were all surprised at the fact that this was only aged 4 years. Had not heard of this bottler before – always something new and interesting to be found/shared at these events.
Dinner and Scotch with Katie and Tim: SMWS Febrauary 2024 Outturn
Franklin Room: Scotch Malt Whisky Society, December 2023 Outturn
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